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Refer a client

Fill the gaps in your philanthropy

Individual wealth is growing and so too is demand for philanthropic services. If you work for a private bank, family office, you're a lawyer, wealth manager or accountant, you will have clients wanting to know more about philanthropy but broaching the subject and being able to support their needs can be challenging.
Smart Philanthropy provides a comprehensive range of philanthropy services to compliment your existing client services, so you can remain focused on your core area of expertise.

Services you provide:

Setting up giving vehicles such as a charitable trust or DAF.

Governance and legal issues.

Finance and investment advice.

Cash management of donations.

Tax implications of philanthropic giving.

Services we provide:

Advice and education on types of philanthropy.

Discussion around passions, motivations, and values.

Facilitating family involvement.

Developing a philanthropic strategy.

Identifying causes and charities to support.

Introductions to charities.

Picturing a legacy.

To request more information, contact Jason Williams, philanthropy advisor to discuss the range of philanthropy services available to your clients.

Referring a client

  • Respond to your clients needs.

  • Remain focused on your core area of expertise.

  • Improve client retention by adding value to the relationship.

  • Generate additional revenue.

  • Demonstrate clear firm value/ethics when pitching for new clients.

  • Educate your clients and help them in decision making.

  • Don't risk reputation by making philanthropic recommendations that you're not comfortable with.

  • Avoid the expense of hiring and training specialist staff.

  • Fill the gaps in your philanthropic knowledge.

  • Bridge the generation gap.

Why work with Smart Philanthropy?

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